Monday, October 31, 2011


Today I woke up with a little challenge, I'm not feeling so hot, it's not that I feel horrible but I lost my voice completely which has resulted in exhaustion here at work trying to answer questions. I didn't want to miss work though so I figured I would tough my way through it. Not only is is pay processing week following a major storm but it is also the first day of the my new weight watchers session.

I thought I was going to start this session with an even number but it didn't work out that way and I'm okay with that. I lost another 2 pounds this week bringing my total weight loss to 29 pounds. I'm only supposed to lose no more than 2 pounds a week so I was right on track but I'd be lying if I didn't say I was really hoping this week was going to be my 30. Oh well it gives me something to shoot for this week. Even more important to me than the 30 pound loss is I'm almost back to my lowest point in my pregnancy weight. With Jakub I lost weight, about 10 pounds to be exact and I had seen a number I hadn't seen in a long time, which we all know that was only for the short term, no I'll be seeing numbers that I don't believe I have seen since moving to Pennsylvania.

These past 3 and a half years I have given up most everything I have wanted to give to Jakub and I always had the Mom guilt of having to work and raise my child but recently I have decided that this is about me right now so I might be more selfish right now sneaking off to the gym but I also know this will make for a longer life for myself and easier to do a lot of stuff I may not have been able to do if I didn't get rid of the extra weight.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl. Keep it up and do what you need to do to take care of yourself.
